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651KW000651n読人不知芳野河/水の心は/はやくとも/たきの音には/たてしとそ思@Yoshino River / the heart of the waters flows / swiftly but I will / never let rumors rise loud / as the sound of the rapids /
652KW000652n読人不知戀しくは/したにを思へ/むらさきの/ねすりの衣/色にいつな夢@if you love me wear / your love within don't display / its color like a / robe printed deep purple with / the dye of violet grass /
653KW000653m春風花すゝき/ほにいてゝこひは/なをゝしみ/下ゆふひもの/むすほゝれつゝ@my heart is tangled / as my knotted undersash / for idle gossip / stings now our love is open / as the plume grass tassels /
654KW000654f読人不知思ふとち/ひとり〈ひとり〉か/戀しなは/たれによそへて/ふち衣きん@lovers who pretend / to be strangers if one should / die of longing for / whom could the other wear rough / wisteria mourning robes /
655KW000655m清樹泣こふる/涙に袖の/そほちなは/ぬきかへかてら/よるこそはきめ@if tears stained my sleeves / with grief at the tidings of / your death I would change / to mourning robes each dark night / to hide my secret passion. /
656KW000656f小町現には/さもこそあらめ/夢にさへ/人めをもると/見るかわひしさ@in waking hours yes / then it may be understood but / what misery to / see myself shun watchful eyes / even in the world of dreams /
657KW000657f小町限なき/思のまゝに/はるもこむ/夢路をさへに/人はとかめし@guided by a love / that has no bounds I shall go / to him by darkness-- / surely no one will question / one who treads the path of dreams /
658KW000658f小町夢路には/あしもやすめす/かよへとも/うつゝにひとめ/みしことはあらす@though my feet never / cease running to him on the / byways of my dreams / such meetings do not equal / one waking glimpse of my love /
659KW000659n読人不知おもへとも/人めつゝみの/たかけれは/川とみなから/えこそ渡らね@like the dikes of a / dangerous swollen river / banks of watchful eyes / keep me from crossing over / to meet the one I long for /
660KW000660n読人不知たきつせの/早き心を/なにしかも/人めつゝみの/せきとゝむらん@a heart flooded by / turbulent cascades of love-- / how could its swollen / rapids be held in check by / embankments of watchful eyes /
661KW000661m友則紅の/色には出し/かくれぬの/したにかよひて/戀はしぬとも@though the safflower / bud may rise crimson above / the thick-grown marsh I'll / keep my love within my heart / even if it means my death /
662KW000662m躬恒冬の池に/すむにほとりの/つれもなく/そこにかよふと/人にしらする@alone the grebe glides / over the icy waters / of the wintry pond / unguardedly I come to / you do not reveal my love /
663KW000663m躬恒さゝの葉に/をく初霜の/よをさむみ/しみはつくとも/色にいてめや@on the slender leaves / of bamboo grasses settle / the first frosts of fall-- / the night chill penetrates but / no color reveals its touch /
664KW000664f@読人不知/うねめ山しなの/音羽の山の/音にたに/人のしるへく/わかこひめかも@would I reveal our / love would I give gossip wings / send it whispering / echoing like Sound of Wings / Mountain in Yamashina /
665KW000665m深養父みつしほの/なかれひるまを/あひかたみ/みるめのうらに/よるをこそまて@waxing tides wane but / we can never meet in bright / daylight I await / the night when floodtides carry / seaweeds to Mirume Bay /
666KW000666m貞文*白川の/しらすともいはし/底きよみ/流てよゝに/すまんと思へは/*1白浪のイ@I shall not say I / do not know you for I hope / to remain in your / embrace as long as the depths / of the White River flow clear /
667KW000667m友則したにのみ/こふれはくるし/玉のをの/絶て亂れん/人なとかめそ@how painful is love / imprisoned in the heart do / not censure me if / my tears of anguish scatter / like jewels when the thread snaps /
668KW000668m友則我戀を/忍ひかねては/足曵の/山橘の/色にいてぬへし@when I no longer / can bear to conceal my love / it must be revealed / bold as mandarin blossoms / deep in the rugged mountains /
669KW000669n読人不知おほかたは/我なもみなと/こき出なん/よをうみへたに/見るめすくなし@my reputation / sent abroad like fishing boats / rowed from the harbor yet / our meetings are few as the / seaweeds near the shore /
670KW000670m貞文枕より/又しる人も/なき戀を/涙せきあへす/もらしつる哉@unable to hold / back my tears they seeped through the / pillow that should have / kept our secret others should / not have known the love we shared /
671KW000671m@読人不知/人麿風ふけは/浪うつ岸の/松なれや/ねに顕て/なきぬへら也@when the wind blows I / am like a pine on the shore / beaten by the waves-- / roots washed by the sea again / my voice rises in mournful cries /
672KW000672n読人不知池にすむ/なをゝし鳥の/水をあさみ/かくるとすれと/顕れにけり@the waters of the / pond are too shallow to hide / the mandarin duck-- / his name tells of his unease / now that he's well known as I /
673KW000673n読人不知逢事は/玉のをはかり/名のたつは/吉野ゝ川の/たきつせのこと@our meeting was as / short as the thread between the / gems of a necklace / but the gossip will swell like / the Yoshino River waves /
674KW000674n読人不知村鳥の/たちにしわかな/今更に/事なしふとも/しるしあらめや@my reputation / has spread like a flock of birds / scattering flying / to the winds is it too late / now to pretend innocence /
675KW000675n読人不知君により/我名は花に/春霞/野にも山にも/立みちにけり@because of you my / love my name spreads like spring mists / that hide the blossoms / floating scattering over / mountains and through verdant fields /

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