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Page 45 [ 1101 - 1111 ]
1101KW001101m貫之そま人は/宮木ひくらし/足曵の/山のやまひこ/よひとよむなり@the woodcutters must / be pulling out the trees for / the Shrine for in the / rugged mountains echoes sound / endless as cicadas' cries /
1102KW001102m勝臣かけりても/なにをかたまの/きても見ん/からはほのほと/成にし物を@the spirit now soars / above why would we ever / hear of its return - / for the body it once knew / has been turned to flying sparks /
1103KW001103m貫之こし時と/戀つゝをれは/夕暮の/おもかけにのみ/見えわたる哉@at the hour when he / used to visit me I long / for him still but now / it is only his image / that comes to me at twilight /
1104KW001104f小町をきのゐて/みをやくよりも/かなしきは/宮こしまへの/別成けり@more painful than the / searing touch of flames against / my flesh is the great / distance between this isle and / the beloved capital /
1105KW001105nあやもちうきめをは/よそめとのみそ/のかれゆく/雲のあはたつ/山のふもとに@after these painful / events I'll flee to a place / where I can put them / behind to the skirts of the / far mountains where dense clouds rise /
1106KW001106n読人不知けふ人を/こふる心は/大井川/なかるゝ水に/おとらさりけり@the tumult in my / heart today yearning for the / one I hold so dear / is no less frenzied than the / O~i River current /
1107KW001107n読人不知*わきもこす/あふさか山の/しのすゝき/ほには出すも/恋わたる哉/*1わきもこかイ/*1わきもこにイ@my passion shall stay / hidden as the unopened / buds of plume grasses / on the O~saka slopes / where I met my beloved /
1108KW001108m@読人不知いぬかみの/とこの山なる/*なとり川/いさとこたへよ/わかなもらすな/*3いさや川イ@Name-taking River / of Tokono Mountain in / Inukami please / answer that you do not know - / do not let my name leak out /
1109KW001109fうねめ山しなの/音羽の瀧の/をとにたに/人のしるへく/我こひめやも@shall my love be known / to all by the prattling of / gossip whispering / echoing like Sound of Wings / Rapids in Yamashina /
1110KW001110f衣通姫わかせこか/くへきよひなり/さゝかにの/くものふるまひ/かねてしるしも@this is the night when / my beloved will come to me - / already I know / for the spiders are weaving / the webs that will seize his heart /
1111KW001111m貫之道しらは/つみにもゆかん/すみのえの/岸におふてふ/恋わすれくさ@if I knew the road / I would go there to gather / those grasses of love's / forgetfulness they tell me / grow on Suminoe's shores /

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(c) 2019 / Hilofumi Yamamoto ( yamagen at ila.titech.ac.jp ) $Id: db_browser.cgi,v 1.1 2002/10/21 03:53:10 yamagen Exp yamagen $