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歌番号 001110
作者標準 衣通姫
性別 f
作者英文 Princess Soto~ri
題仮名 ,おもふてふ,ことのはのみや,あきをへて,のした△そとほりひめのひとりゐて、みかとをこひたてまつりて
題英語 This poem came after the poem "omou cho~ koto no ha nomi ya aki o hete" (688). When she was alone, Princes Soto~ri sent this to the Mikado to tell him of her love.
歌仮名 わかせこか/くへきよひなり/ささかにの/くものふるまひ/かねてしるしも@
歌岩波 わがせこが/くべきよひなり/ささがにの/くものふるまひ/かねてしるしも@
歌品詞 わ-代@が-格助@、せこ-名@が-格助@/く-カ変-終@べき-当-体@、よひ-名@なり-断-終@/ささがに-名@の-格助@/くも-名@の-格助@、ふるまひ-名@/かねて-副@、しるし-名@も-係助@/@
歌ローマ waga seko ga / kubeki yoi nari / sasagani no / kumo no furu mai / kanete shirushi mo /
歌英語 this is the night when / my beloved will come to me - / already I know / for the spiders are weaving / the webs that will seize his heart /
解釈 Princess Soto~ri was a Consort (kisai) of Ingyo~ tenno~(4I2?-453) and sister of Princess Oshisaka no Onaka, who was Ingyo~'s concubine(ko~go). "Sasagani no" (of the spider-?@) is a makurakotoba for kumo (spider). In both China and Japan it was believed that a spider's weaving a web attached to one's garment was an omen that the one awaited would come.

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