Last change:2024/10/29-21:22:12. [Japanese] [English]
Hilofumi Yamamoto, Ph. D. Linguistics
Professor of Linguistics / Section for Japanese Language and Culture
Institute for Liberal Arts / Department of Social and Human Sciences, Institute of Science Tokyo Github Zenodo
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Linguistics: Mathematical Approach of Historical Changes of Language

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Linguistics: Mathematical Approach of Historical Changes of Language

Theme of this laboratory is:
``If we could see a figure of language, what would it be?''
There are five senses such as `looking', `touching', `listening', `sniffing', `tasting', but this five senses is also a fundamental way of analysis. Among them, the easiest `seeing', so-called `visualization' is one of technologies that has received much attention now. There are many things to understand by seeing, but there are many worlds that cannot be seen than we expected. Language itself is not originally shaped. However, if a language has a form, what a form it is, which is one of the biggest romances. Through visualization of the language, we are conducting research to consider the appearance of language.

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