TokyoTech-JLT Linguistics D

2024-3Q Wednesday 9.10(17:15-18:55) W932 Linguistics D (LAH.A411)
Institute of Science Tokyo[Syllabus]

Linguistics D (LAH.A411)/ W932: Facts and Figures of Language

Day 1: 2024.10.09 Wittgenstein and Language game / Is a subject necessary for language?

Day 2: 2024.10.16 Turing and Turing Machine

Day 3: 2023.10.30 Zipf and Zipf's Law / Set language description criteria to "understandable."

Day 4: 2023.11.06 Daniel Jones' 18 Cardinal Vowels / Is language static or dynamic?

Day 5: 2023.11.20 de Sussure and Semiotics / Is a thought first or a language first?

Day 6: 2023.11.27 Fillmore and Case grammar; Categorizing and naming objects; Chomsky and Universal Grammar.

Day 7: 2023.12.04 Conference and examination.

Linguistics D 2023
(c) 2016-23 Hilofumi Yamamoto All rights reserved.