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歌番号 000418
作者 あり原のなりひらの朝臣
作者標準 業平
性別 m
作者英文 Ariwara no Narihira
題仮名 これたかのみこのともにかりにまかりけるときに、あまのかはといふところのかはのほとりにおりゐてさけなとのみけるついてに、みこのいひけらく、かりしてあまのかはらにいたるといふこころをよみて、さかつきはさせといひけれはよめる
題英語 Once when Narihira was hunting with Prince Koretaka, they dismounted on the bank of a stream called Amanogawa. As they were drinking there, the Prince said, "Offer the sake cup with a poem on the theme 'Coming to the river of heaven after hunting.'"
歌仮名 かりくらし/たなはたつめに/やとからむ/あまのかはらに/われはきにけり@
歌岩波 かりくらし/たなばたつめに/やどからむ/あまのかはらに/われはきにけり@
歌品詞 かりくらし-サ四-用@/たなばたつめ-名@に-格助@/やど-名@、から-ラ四-未@む-意-終@/あまのかはら-名@に-格助@/われ-代@は-係助@、き-カ変-用@に-完-用@けり-詠-終@/@
歌ローマ karikurashi / tanabatatsume ni / yado karan / ama no kawara ni / ware wa kinikeri /
歌英語 hunting filled the day-- / the night I'll spend with the maid / of Tanabata / for now I have arrived at / the riverbed of heaven /
解釈 Prince Koretaka, son of Montoku tenno~, is the author of two Kokinshu~ poems. The Amanogawa (river of heaven) runs through Hirakata near O~saka. The name of the river has inspired a poem about the Tanabata legend- the stars, Altair (the herdsmann) and Vega (the weaver maid), separated by the river of heaven (the Milky Way), are allowed one meeting a year on the seventh night of the Seventh Month.Poems 418 and 419 are both found in The Tales of lse, 82.

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