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歌番号 000417
作者 ふちはらのかねすけ
作者標準 兼輔
性別 m
作者英文 Fujiwara no Kanesuke
題仮名 たちまのくにのゆへまかりけるときに、ふたみのうらといふところにとまりて、ゆふさりのかれいひたうへけるに、ともにありけるひとひとうたよみけるついてによめる
題英語 When they were traveling to a hot spring in Tajima Province, Kanesuke recited this after his companion composed a poem while they ate their evening meal during a stop at Futami Bay.
歌仮名 ゆふつくよ/おほつかなきを/たまくしけ/ふたみのうらは/あけてこそみめ@
歌岩波 ゆふづくよ/おぼつかなきを/たまくしげ/ふたみのうらは/あけてこそみめ@
歌品詞 ゆふづくよ-名@/おぼつかなき-形ク-体@を-格助@/たまくしげ-名@/ふたみ-名@の-格助@、うら-名@は-係助@/あけ-カ下二-用@て-接助@こそ-係助-係@、み-マ上一-未@め-意-已-結@/@
歌ローマ yu~zuku yo / obotsukanaki o / tamakushige / futami no ura wa / akete koso mime /
歌英語 when night gathers the / waters are but dimly seen-- / at dawn once more I'll / view Twice-seen Bay glittering / like a jeweled box as day bursts open /
解釈 Tajima is now part of Hyo~go Prefecture. "Tamakushige" (elegant comb box) is a makurakotoba for "futa" (lid), the first two syllables of the place name Futami, which also means "seeing twice." "Akete" means both "dawning" and "opening." "Tamakushige,""futa," and "akete" are engo.

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