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歌番号 000412
作者 よみ人しらす
作者標準 読人不知
性別 f@
作者英文 Some say this poem was composed by a woman who had gone with her husband to another province where he soon died. As she returned to the capital alone she heard the wild geese cry and wrote this poem.
題仮名 たいしらす
題英語 Topic unknown.
歌仮名 きたへゆく/かりそなくなる/つれてこし/かすはたらてそ/かへるへらなる@
歌岩波 きたへゆく/かりぞなくなる/つれてこし/かずはたらでぞ/かへるべらなる@
歌品詞 きた-名@へ-格助@、ゆく-カ四-体@/かり-名@ぞ-係助-係@、なく-カ四-終@なる-推伝-体-結@/つれ-ラ下二-用@て-接助@、こ-カ変-未@し-過-体@/かず-名@は-係助@、たら-ラ四-未@で-接助@ぞ-係助-係@/かへる-ラ四-体@べらなる-推-体-結(連語)@/@
歌ローマ kita e yuku / kari zo naku naru / tsurete koshi / kazu wa tarade zo / kaeruberanaru /
歌英語 hauntingly they cry / the northbound geese of the night-- / one from their number / who flew this way in autumn / accompanies them not home /
解釈 Tsurayuki quotes this poem in the Tosa Diary- "Because one from the number who had traveled down with us was missing, I recalled the words of the old poem, 'One from their number accompanies them not home.'"

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