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歌番号 000411
作者標準 業平
性別 m
作者英文 Ariwara no Narihira
題仮名 むさしのくにとしもつふさのくにとのなかにあるすみたかはのほとりにいたりて、みやこのいとこひしうおほえけれはしはしかはのほとりにおりゐて、おもひやれはかきりなくとをくもきにけるかなとおもひわひてなかめをるに、わたしもりはやふねにのれひくれぬといひけれはふねにのりてわたらむとするに、みなひとものわひしくてきやうにおもふひとなくしもあらす、さるおりにしろきとりのはしとあしとあかき、かはのほとりにあそひけり、きやうにはみえぬとりなりけれはみなひとみしらす、わたしもりにこれはなにとりそととひけれはこれなむみやことりといひけるをききてよめる
題英語 When Narihira came to the banks of the Sumida River, which runs between Musashi Province and Shimo~sa Province, he and his companions dismounted for a time, thinking longingly of the capital. "How endless the road I have come!" they thought as they gazed across tho river. The ferryman urged his party to come aboard quickly for night was near, and when dl were aboard and about to cross the river, there was not one who did not long for someone left in the capital. Just then they saw a white bird with a red bill and red legs splashing ahout at the river's edge. It was not a bird that was ever seen in the capitai and so no one could identify it. When they asked the ferryman, he replied, "Why, it's a capital bird!" Narihira recited this poew.
歌仮名 なにしおはは/いさこととはむ/みやことり/わかおもふひとは/ありやなしやと@
歌岩波 なにしおはば/いざこととはむ/みやこどり/わがおもふひとは/ありやなしやと@
歌品詞 な-名@に-格助@し-副助@、おは-ハ四-未@ば-接助@/いざ-感@、こととは-ハ四-未@む-意-終@/みやこどり-名@/わ-代@が-格助@、おもふ-ハ四-体@、ひと-名@は-係助@/あり-ラ変-終@や-係助@、なし-形ク-終@や-係助-疑@と-格助@/@
歌ローマ na ni shi owaba / iza koto towan / miyakodori / waga omou hito wa / ari ya nashi ya /
歌英語 oh capital bird / if you are true to your name / you will know tell me / if the one whom 1 love is / still in this world of partings /
解釈 For Musashi Province, see 390. Shimo~sa is now part of Chiba Prefecture. The Sumida River ran along the boundary of Musashi and Shimo~sa. The capital bird(miyakodori) is believed to be the modern yurikamome, a small gull with red bill and legs.

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