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歌番号 000410
作者 在原業平朝臣
作者標準 業平
性別 m
作者英文 Ariwara no Narihira
題仮名 あつまのかたへともとするひとひとりふたりいさなひていきけり、みかはのくにやつはしといふところにいたれりけるに、そのかはのほとりにかきつはたいとおもしろくさけりけるをみて、きのかけにおりゐてかきつはたといふいつもしをくのかしらにすへてたひのこころをよまむとてよめる
題英語 Once Narihira invited one or two friends to travel east with him. When they reached a place in Mikawa Province called Yatsuhashi, they dismounted to sit in the shade of some trees, attracted by some irises blooming by the river. Narihira composed this poem expressing the feelings of a traveler, beginning each line with a syllable of the word "kakitsubata" (iris).
歌仮名 からころも/きつつなれにし/つましあれは/はるはるきぬる/たひをしそおもふ@
歌岩波 からころも/きつつなれにし/つましあれば/はるばるきぬる/たびをしぞおもふ@
歌品詞 からころも-名@/き-カ上一-用@つつ-接助@、なれ-ラ下二-用@に-完-用@し-過-体@/つま-名@し-副助@、あれ-ラ変-已@ば-接助@/はるばる-副@、き-カ変-用@ぬる-完-体@/たび-名@を-格助@し-副助@ぞ-係助-係@、おもふ-ハ四-体-結@/@
歌ローマ kara koromo / kitsutsu narenishi / tsuma shi areba / harubaru kinuru / tabi o shi zo omou /
歌英語 familiar as the / comfort of a well-worn robe / is my beloved / oh how this distant journey / fills my heart with regret /
解釈 Mikawa Province is now Aichi Prefecture. Poems 410 and 411 are included in The Tales of Ise, 9. The introductions are nearly the same as the Ise text; presumably the source is Narihira shu~. Poem 410, Helen McCullough has noted (Tales of Ise, pp.203-4), "is a technical tour de force, much less characteristic of Narihira's best poetry than of the court style proper....-I@t could scarcely be accused by Tsurayuki or anyone else of containing too much matter and too little art." He has complied with the rules of the game called oriku by using the syllables of "kakitsubata" to begin the lines of his poem. He has used a makurakotoba, "kara koromo"(Chinese robe) and a jo, "kara koromo kitsutsu" (continuing to wear the Chinese robe), linked to the main statement by the kakekotoba "narenishi" (having grown fond of; well worn). "Tsuma" (skirt; wife)is also a kakekotoba, and "tsuma," "kara koromo," "kitsutsu" (wearing), "nare" (long-worn) "haru" (to full) are engo.

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