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歌番号 000017
作者標準 読人不知
性別 n
作者英文 Anonymous
題仮名 たいしらす
題英語 Topic unknown.
歌仮名 かすかのは/けふはなやきそ/わかくさの/つまもこもれり/われもこもれり@
歌岩波 かすがのは/けふはなやきそ/わかくさの/つまもこもれり/われもこもれり@
歌品詞 かすがの-名@は-係助@/けふ-名-今日@は-係助@、な-副@、やき-カ四-用@そ-終助-禁@/わかくさ-名@の-格助@/つま-名@も-係助@、こもれ-ラ四-已@り-完-終@/われ-代@も-係助@、こもれ-ラ四-已@り-完-終@/@
歌ローマ kasuga no wa / kyo~ wa na yaki so / wakakusa no / tsuma mo komoreri / ware mo komoreri /
歌英語 not today do not / burn the Kasuga Meadows / now for here amidst / the soft spring-green grasses hide / my gentle sweetheart and I /
解釈 Kasuga Meadow is part of Kasuga Park in present-day Nara City. "Wakakusa no" (like the soft young grasses) is a makurakotoba for "tsuma" (sweetheart, spouse) , and also functions as engo with Kasuga Meadows. The poem has the rhythms of a folk song, particularly in the repetitions in the last two lines, which are, literally, "my sweetheart too is hidden; I too am hidden." This poem appears in The Tales of Ise (Ise Monogatari), 12, where the first line is "Musashino wa" (the Musashi Meadows).

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