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歌番号 000001
作者 在原元方
作者標準 元方
性別 m
作者英文 Ariwara no Motokata
題仮名 ふるとしにはるたちけるひよめる
題英語 Written when the first day of spring came within the old year.
歌仮名 としのうちに/はるはきにけり/ひととせを/こそとやいはむ/ことしとやいはむ@
歌岩波 としのうちに/はるはきにけり/ひととせを/こぞとやいはむ/ことしとやいはむ@
歌品詞 とし-名-年@の-格助@、うち-名-内@に-格助@/はる-名@は-係助@、き-カ変-用@に-完-用@けり-詠-終@/ひととせ-名-一年@を-格助@/こぞ-名-去年@と-格助@や-係助-疑-係@、いは-ハ四-未-言ふ@む-意-体-結@/ことし-名-今年@と-格助@や-係助-疑-係@、いは-ハ四-未-言ふ@む-意-体-結@/@
歌ローマ toshi no uchi ni / haru wa kinikeri / hitotose o / kozo to ya iwan / kotoshi to ya iwan /
歌英語 spring is here before / year's end when New Year's Day has / not yet come around / what should we call it is it / still last year or is it this /
解釈 The new year, according to the lunar calendar, generally begins in solar February or March. Thus the first signs of spring, or the solar-calendar first day of spring, sometimes occurred before the first day of the First Lunar Month. This poem is a good example of the disingenuous reasoning that often appears in Kokinshu~ waka. Masaoka Shiki 正岡子規 (1867-1902), who glorified the Man'yo~shu~ style, cited it as an example of "mere grinding awaay at logic" (rikutsu o koneta dake 理屈をこねただけ) in "Essay on Reading Poetry" (Utayomi ni atauru sho 歌読みに与ふる書). Poets' dates and other biographical information will be found in the Author Index.

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