2024-4Q Wednesday 9.10 Linguistics E (LAH.A551)
Tokyo Institute of Technology
Linguistics E (LAH.A551): Unravel the Language Mechanism
- Day 1 2023.12.06 How to proceed to the class, guidance for the final task
- Day 2 2023.12.13 Prescriptive grammar and descriptive grammar
- Day 3 2023.12.20 Principle of language generation
- Day 4 2024.01.10 Mathematical Linguistics
- Day 5 2024.01.17 Unsolved linguistic problems
- Day 6 2024.01.24 Philosophy for language research
- Day 7 2024.01.31 Conference and examination / Summary and the methods of final
paper submission
- Akazawa Shunpei 赤澤 竣平 Physics/Japanese
- Nagata Masaki 永田 真己 Computer Science
- Zhang Xiulin 張 修麟 SHS
- Lindahl JACOB Computer Science
- Van Alstine Nathan Jeffrey ELSI/English
- Zhang Rui 張 睿 Electronics
- Kanamori Yuki 金森 勇輝 Civil Eng.
- YUAN YANG Global Eng.
Day 1 2023.12.07 How to proceed to the class, explanation of the final task
- This class is one of the liberal arts courses in the 500 level of the master's program.
Discussion is mandatory in this class.
Therefore you will loose the chance to obtain this credit if you miss any classes.
Homework submitting by the asigned time is mandatory for the credit.
In addition to attendance, written exams and research presentations are required.
If you wish to attend, please read the
Please prepare one of the following textbooks.
Linguistics For Dummies'
Published by John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd.
6045 Freemont Blvd. Mississauga, Ontario, L5R 4J3
[Cheat Sheet]
An Introduction to Language: Victoria Fromkin, Robert Rodman and Nina Hyams
- Today's topics [pdf]
- Please bring your Mobile terminal for the material.
Day 2 2023.12.13 Prescriptive grammar and descriptive grammar
Day 3 2023.12.20
Principle of language generation / Metaphor / Sign language
- Today's topics: [pdf]
- Family names: [png]
- Word and Brain: [png]
Day 4 2024.01.10 Mathematical Linguistics
Day 5 2024.01.17 Philosophy for language research
- Today's topics:[PDF]
- The principle of the least effort (Class 2)
- Principle of language generation (Class 3)
- Sentence structure of Japanese: Relative name (Class 3)
- Co-occurrence pattern (Class 4)
- Is human language logical or not logical? (Class 4)
- Poster Template
- A4 portrait 1 page
- Due: January, 29th, Monday
- Implement your experimental design and collect data for it
- Convert PPTX into PDF before uploading it
- File size must be under 5MB; and
Presentation tips:
- KISS: Keep It Simple and Smart
- FF: First Finding
- AFAP: browse it As Fast As Possible
- BBWP: The Best Balance of Words and Pictures
Day 6 2024.01.24 Unsolved linguistic problems
- Today's topics 1:[PDF]
- Today's topics 2:[PDF]
- Today's Homework [here] (deadline: today)
- Poster Template [pptx][PDF]
- Poster Submission
by Jan. 29th, Monday.
: only in pdf, A4, one page, and within 5MB.
[Submission: ended]
[Confirmation: ended]
Day 7 2024.01.31 Conference and examination
- Presentation IDs, Presenter names, and Titles:
- A01
Garry Kusuma
Viewing Puns from Linguistic Perspective
- A02
A Study on Chinses Grammar Changes By Comparasion of the Distribution of Quantifier between Classical Chinese
and Mordern Chinese Novel
- A03
Van Alstine Nathan
Quantifying the Border of "Language Death"
- A04
Akazawa Shunpei
Understanding れる・られる from the middle voice
- B01
Kanamori Yuki
The important component in funny answers for Japanese Ohgiri
- B02
Nagata Masaki
Quantitative Research on the Predictability of Hanzi Reading
- B03
Zhang Xiulin
Simulation of Polysemy
- C01
The Impact of Language Skills on Friendship Building
during the First Meeting
- C02
Lindahl Jacob
Information Transmission Efficiency during Dictation 3 Language Survey
- C03
Taylor Austin
Locally Looking at Dipthongs:
A Comparative Study of English L1 and Japanese L1 Speakers
- Questionaire [T2Schola]
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