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1KW000001m元方年の内に/春はきにけり/一とせを/こそとやいはん/ことしとやいはん@spring is here before / year's end when New Year's Day has / not yet come around / what should we call it is it / still last year or is it this /
2KW000002m貫之袖ひちて/むすひし水の/こほれるを/春たつけふの/風やとくらん@today long-awaited / day when spring begins will / the breeze melt icebound / waters in which we once dipped / cupped hands drenching summer robes /
3KW000003n読人不知春霞/たてるやいつこ/みよしのゝ/吉野の山に/雪はふりつゝ@where is it that the / warm mists of spring are rising-- / here on the slopes / of lovely Mount Yoshino / the snows continue to fall /
4KW000004f二条后雪のうちに/春はきにけり/鴬の/こほれる涙/いまやとくらん@spring has come amidst / the icy lingering snows / of winter surely / now the frozen tears of the / mountain thrush will melt away /
5KW000005n読人不知梅かえに/きゐる鴬/春かけて/なけともいまた/雪は降つゝ@he cries on and on / the mountain thrush perched on / branches of the plum / long-awaited spring has come / still the snows of winter fall /
6KW000006m素性春たては/花とや見らん/白雪の/かゝれる枝に/うくひすのなく@has he come to see / if those are not spring's blossoms-- / white snow clusters rest / heavily on bare branches / where now the mountain thrush cries /
7KW000007m@読人不知心さし/ふかくそめてし/おりけれは/きえあへぬ雪の/花とみゆらん@so longingly have I / awaited the fresh flowers / of spring that they have / dyed my soul and I see snow / as clustered blooms on branches /
8KW000008m康秀春の日の/ひかりにあたる/我なれと/かしらの雪と/なるそわひしき@though I bask in the / comforting warmth of spring's light / how melancholy / to think that my hair now / wears a crown of winter snow /
9KW000009m貫之霞たち/このめも春の/雪ふれは/花なき里も/花そちりける@when the warm mists veil / all and buds swell while yet / spring snows drift downward / even in the hibernal / village crystal blossoms fall /
10KW000010m言直はるやとき/花やをそきと/きゝわかん/鴬たにも/なかすも有哉@has spring come early-- / or are the plum blossoms late-- / I would like to know / but not even the song of / the mountain thrush trills the answer /
11KW000011m忠岑春きぬと/人はいへとも/鴬の/なかぬかきりは/あらしとそ思ふ@already they say / spring is here but as for me / while yet there is no / song from the mountain thrush I / cannot believe spring has come /
12KW000012m当純谷風に/とくる氷の/ひまことに/うち出る浪や/春のはつ花@warm breezes blowing / down the valley slopes melt the / winter's ice at each / crack a foamy wave bubbles / upward spring's first showy blossoms /
13KW000013m友則花のかを/風のたよりに/たくへてそ/鴬さそふ/しるへにはやる@on the wings of the / wind I'll send the fragrant scent / of plum blossoms / a summons of spring to guide / that longed-for mountain thrush to me /
14KW000014m千里鴬の/谷より出る/聲なくは/春くることを/たれかしらまし@were it not for the / song of the mountain thrush that / rises from the glen / who would even suspect that / spring has at long last arrived /
15KW000015m棟梁はるたてと/花も匂はぬ/山さとは/物うかるねに/鴬そなく@no flowers show their / beauties in the lonely mountain / villages though spring / has come the very notes of / the mountain thrush are cheerless /
16KW000016n読人不知のへちかく/いへゐしをれは/鴬の/なくなる聲は/朝な〈朝な〉きく@because I make my / home near the fields and meadows / each and every / morning I hear the song of / the mountain thrush trilling spring /
17KW000017n読人不知春日野は/けふはなやきそ/若草の/つまもこもれり/我もこもれり@not today do not / burn the Kasuga Meadows / now for here amidst / the soft spring-green grasses hide / my gentle sweetheart and I /
18KW000018n読人不知かすかのゝ/とふひのゝもり/出て見よ/いまいくか有て/若なつみてん@oh guardian of / the fields at Tobuhi / on Kasuga Plain / go out to look how many / days before we pluck new herbs /
19KW000019n読人不知み山には/松の雪たに/きえなくに/都はのへの/わかなつみけり@deep in the lovely / mountains lingering snow weighs / the pine boughs while in / the fields of the capital / already they pluck young herbs /
20KW000020n読人不知梓弓/をして春雨/けふゝりぬ/あすさへふらは/わかなつみてん@like arrows shot from / a catalpa bow raindrops / stream down today / even should it rain tomorrow / I will pluck the young spring herbs /
21KW000021m光孝天皇君かため/春の野に出て/若なつむ/我衣てに/雪は降つゝ@for you my lord I / pluck the tender herbs in fresh / spring-green meadows while / drifting down one by one the / snowffakes settle on my sleeves /
22KW000022m貫之春日野の/わかなつみにや/白妙の/袖ふりはへて/人の行らん@waving their pure white / hempen sleeves beckoning to / each other are these / maidens bound for Kasuga / Meadown to pluck the young herbs /
23KW000023m行平春のきる/霞の衣/ぬきをうすみ/山風にこそ/みたるへらなれ@the supple robe of / mist worn by spring is woven / on a delicate / weft each mountain breeze seems to / tangle and unravel it /
24KW000024m宗干ときはなる/松の緑も/春くれは/いま一しほの/色まさりけり@now that spring has come / even the unchanging pine / is dressed in / fresh new foliage that is / dyed a brighter shade of green /
25KW000025m貫之我せこか/衣はるさめ/ふることに/のへのみとりそ/色まさりける@my love's robes stretched out / to dry colors bright as fields / where each spring shower / changes the velvet meadow / grasses to a richer green /

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(c) 2019 / Hilofumi Yamamoto ( yamagen at ila.titech.ac.jp ) $Id: db_browser.cgi,v 1.1 2002/10/21 03:53:10 yamagen Exp yamagen $