Rico LiveGrid AJAX

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One of the key features of the Rico LiveGrid is its ability to load data dynamically via AJAX. This document focuses on the format of the LiveGrid AJAX requests and responses. More specifically, it is the LiveGrid Buffer object that is generating requests and processing responses. So if you are in a situation where data is coming from a web service that is out of your control, you could create a custom LiveGrid buffer class that would serve as an interface between the web service and LiveGrid. However, in this document we will focus on the request and response formats of the buffer classes that come with the Rico distribution.

The Rico distribution includes 4 distinct buffer classes:

Used for static datasets, no AJAX (i.e. no calls to XMLHttpRequest). Data can be loaded from an HTML table or from a javascript array. Since this buffer does not use AJAX, it will not be discussed further in this document.
All LiveGrid data is loaded in a single AJAX call, data returned in XML format
LiveGrid data is loaded in chunks as the user scrolls through the grid, data returned in XML format
Same as AjaxSQL, except that responses are in JSON format


An AjaxXML buffer will only perform a single XMLHttpRequest regardless of the amount of scrolling a user does in a LiveGrid. An AjaxXML buffer is created using the following javascript:

buffer=new Rico.Buffer.AjaxXML(url,options,ajaxOptions)
A string containing the url to the data provider.
A Rico buffer options object, which may contain any of the following:
An integer that specifies the number of milliseconds a wait message should be presented to the user before indicating a timeout. Default is 20000 (20 seconds).
An array of strings of the form "parm=value" that get added to the search string of the XMLHttpRequest.
Specifies whether the response will be HTML encoded or not. Default is true. All plug-ins supplied with Rico encode the response.
The message that gets displayed to the user while waiting for and XMLHttpRequest response. Default is RicoTranslate.getPhraseById("waitForData"). Note that this can be an image tag, for example:
buffer=new Rico.Buffer.AjaxXML(
  {waitMsg: "<img src='MySpinner.gif'>"},
A boolean value indicating whether the buffer supports filtering. Default is true.
An Ajax options object that is passed to Prototype's Ajax.Request method. The "parameters" and "onComplete" options are used by Rico and have no effect if specified. The "method" option defaults to "get", but can be overridden.
Here is an example taken from ex3livegridxml.php:
buffer=new Rico.Buffer.AjaxXML('ricoXMLquery.php');
ex3=new Rico.LiveGrid ('ex3', buffer, grid_options);

AjaxXML Request

Assuming grid_options.prefetchBuffer is true (which is the default), then a single XMLHttpRequest will be generated during grid initialization that will fetch data from ricoXMLquery.php. The URL will include the following querystring (search) parameters:

The id of the grid that was specified as the first parameter in the call to Rico.LiveGrid(), "ex3" in the previous example.
The first record in the dataset that should be returned. Always "0" for AjaxXML.
The number of records that should be returned in the dataset. Always "-1" for AjaxXML, meaning all records should be returned.

Plus, if any options.requestParameters were specified, they would be included also. So the complete URL that would be used to fetch data for ex3 would be:


AjaxXML Response

Here is a sample response that will populate our ex3 LiveGrid:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <response type='object' id='ex3_updater'>
    <rows update_ui='true' offset='0'>
    <tr><td>Data for row 1, cell 1</td><td>Data for row 1, cell 2</td></tr>
    <tr><td>Data for row 2, cell 1</td><td>Data for row 2, cell 2</td></tr>
    <debug>Generated by test server</debug>

When you are creating the response in your request handler you must set the content-type of the response header to text/xml. Also you will need to specify the xml version and character encoding. The encoding value is very important and depends on your specific environment. Two common values are "UTF-8" and "iso-8859-1". Here is how the first couple of lines would look in Java Server Pages (JSP):

<% response.setHeader(“Content-Type”, “text/xml”); %>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
And this is how they would look in PHP:
header("Content-type: text/xml");
echo "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?".">\n";

Notice several important items about the Ajax response.

First the response is wrapped in the tags <ajax-response></ajax-response>. Every Rico Ajax response must have this element as the root of the XML returned. Second, notice the response contained within the ajax-response. The response tags (<response></response>) wrap the response content. The type and id attributes of the <response> tag were required in Rico 1.1, but are ignored by Rico 2.0. Finally, notice the <rowcount> element. This specifies the total number of rows in the dataset. In an AjaxXML response, this should match the number of <tr> elements.

The debug tag (<debug></debug>) is optional. The response may contain 0, 1, or more of them. The content of each debug tag is sent to Rico's message logging facility. The Rico plug-ins can return the actual SQL queries that get executed by setting ricoXmlResponse.sendDebugMsgs to true in ricoXMLquery.php/asp/aspx. This can be very useful during development but should be turned off in production, as it is a security risk (gives users visibility to actual table and column names).

If an error occurs on the server during the processing of the request, the server can return error information to the user by enclosing an error message in <error></error> tags. For example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <response type='object' id='ex3_updater'>
    <rows update_ui='true' offset='0'>
    <error>Unable to retrieve the data</error>

The mere presence of the <error> tag will cause any row data and the rowcount to be ignored. Thus, <rows> and <rowcount> can be included or omitted when returning an error. The Rico plug-ins will send the database-generated error message when an error occurs.


The AjaxSQL buffer extends the capabilities provided by the AjaxXML buffer. Many of the concepts are the same, but the AjaxSQL buffer is more complex. Query results are returned to the buffer in chunks, rather than returning all rows in a single response. Also, an AjaxSQL buffer assumes filtering and sorting will occur on the server. So filtering and sorting parameters must be sent in each request and the server must process those parameters correctly. Fortunately, the Rico plug-ins take care of this complexity for you.

An AjaxSQL buffer is created using the following javascript:

buffer=new Rico.Buffer.AjaxSQL(url,options,ajaxOptions)
Here is an example taken from ex2simple.php:
buffer=new Rico.Buffer.AjaxSQL(
  {TimeOut:<? print array_shift(session_get_cookie_params())/60 ?>});
orderGrid=new Rico.LiveGrid ('ex2', buffer, opts);
A string containing the url to the data provider.
A Rico buffer options object, which may contain any of the following:
An integer that specifies the number of milliseconds a wait message should be presented to the user before indicating a timeout. Default is 20000 (20 seconds).
An array of strings of the form "parm=value" that get added to the search string of the XMLHttpRequest.
Specifies whether the response will be HTML encoded or not. Default is true. All plug-ins supplied with Rico encode the response.
The message that gets displayed to the user while waiting for and XMLHttpRequest response. Default is RicoTranslate.getPhraseById("waitForData"). Note that this can be an image tag, for example:
buffer=new Rico.Buffer.AjaxXML(
  {waitMsg: "<img src='MySpinner.gif'>"},
A boolean value indicating whether the buffer supports filtering. Default is true.
Used to set the size of the buffer. Default value is 7. The actual buffer size is set to: (the number of visible grid rows) * largeBufferSize; but no less than 50. So a grid with 4 rows visible would get the minimum buffer size of 50, while a grid with 30 visible rows would have a buffer size of 210.
Used to determine when the user has scrolled near the end of the buffer, triggering a new request for data. Default value is 1. The nearLimit value is set to: (the number of visible grid rows) * nearLimitFactor.
The Rico plug-ins store the SQL query in a session variable. The server can respond to data requests for only as long as the session is valid. The TimeOut option is used to measure the time remaining in the session. If option.TimeOut has been specified and there is an html element in the document with an id of "MyGridId_timer", then the innerHTML of that element will be populated with the remaining time in the session. The TimeOut value is specified in minutes and has no default.
If set, then sortParmFmt should be the name of an attribute in the Rico column object. Set to "displayName" in order generate requests in a format compatible with Rico 1.1:
Set to "index" in order generate requests in this format:
When unspecified (the default), then sort parameters are sent in this format ('s' followed by the column number). This is what the Rico plug-ins expect.
An Ajax options object that is passed to Prototype's Ajax.Request method. The "parameters" and "onComplete" options are used by Rico and have no effect if specified. The "method" option defaults to "get", but can be overridden.

AjaxSQL Request

An XMLHttpRequest will be generated every time the AjaxSQL buffer needs more data. Data is requested in chunks as specified by the offset and page_size parameters. This makes it possible for a LiveGrid to efficiently display hundreds of thousands of records; because only a small portion of those records would reside in the client-side buffer at any one time. The URL will include the following querystring (search) parameters:

The id of the grid that was specified as the first parameter in the call to Rico.LiveGrid(), "ex2" in the previous example.
The first record in the dataset that should be returned. Always "0" for AjaxXML.
The number of records that should be returned in the dataset. Always "-1" for AjaxXML, meaning all records should be returned.
If true, then the response should include a <rowcount> element that contains the total number of rows in the dataset (not just the chunk being requested), with the specified filters. "get_total=true" will be sent during the first request to populate a grid and any time the user has changed the filters.
sX (where X is the column #)
Specifies that results should be sorted by column X. Parameter will be ASC or DESC. See also options.sortParmFmt. Even though this parameter format theoretically allows for sorting on more than one column at a time, this is not possible with the current LiveGrid UI.
f[X][op] (where X is the column #)
Specifies the filter operator being applied to column X. Parameter will be one of the following: EQ (equal), NE (not equal), GE (greater than or equal), LE (less than or equal), LIKE, NULL, NOTNULL
f[X][len] (where X is the column #)
Specifies the number of filter values being supplied. This will be 1 for EQ, GE, LE, and LIKE filter operators. It will be 0 for NULL and NOTNULL operators. It will be 1 or more for NE.
f[X][Y] (where X is the column #)
Specifies the filter value(s) for EQ, NE, GE, LE, and LIKE filter operators. Y will range from 0 to f[X][len]-1. For the LIKE operator, '*' is treated as the wildcard character, which gets converted to '%' by the Rico plug-in for most databases.

Plus, if any options.requestParameters were specified, they would be included also. So the complete URL that would be used to fetch data for ex2 would be:


AjaxSQL Response

The format of the AjaxSQL response is exactly the same as the AjaxXML response.


The AjaxJSON buffer was created by Jeremy Green and is an extension to the AjaxSQL buffer. An AjaxJSON buffer is created using the following javascript:

buffer=new Rico.Buffer.AjaxJSON(jsonUrl,options)
A string containing the url to the JSON data provider.
A Rico buffer options object. The values available in AjaxJSON are same as those in AjaxSQL.

AjaxJSON Request

The format of AjaxJSON requests are exactly the same as AjaxSQL requests.

AjaxJSON Response

Here is an example of a LiveGrid response in JSON format.

"update_ui": true,
"offset": 0,
"rows": [
["10248","VINET","Vins et alcools Chevalier","Reims","France","1996-07-04 00:00:00","1996-07-16 00:00:00"],
["10249","TOMSP","Toms Spezialitäten","Münster","Germany","1996-07-05 00:00:00","1996-07-10 00:00:00"],
["10250","HANAR","Hanari Carnes","Rio de Janeiro","Brazil","1996-07-08 00:00:00","1996-07-12 00:00:00"],
["10251","VICTE","Victuailles en stock","Lyon","France","1996-07-08 00:00:00","1996-07-15 00:00:00"],
["10252","SUPRD","Suprêmes délices","Charleroi","Belgium","1996-07-09 00:00:00","1996-07-11 00:00:00"],
["10253","HANAR","Hanari Carnes","Rio de Janeiro","Brazil","1996-07-10 00:00:00","1996-07-16 00:00:00"],
["10254","CHOPS","Chop-suey Chinese","Bern","Switzerland","1996-07-11 00:00:00","1996-07-23 00:00:00"]
"rowCount": 830

The format closely follows the XML based data consumed by the Rico.Buffer.AjaxSQL buffer and all values should be returned accordingly. The ‘rows’ value object of the data object is a normal JS Array with each element being a JS hash that represents the row. For the hash the key/value combo should be colName/colValue.